Coalville Crossfit explains why our health and fitness is not just the stuff of January resolutions - it should be all year round

Christmas is over, the new year has been welcomed in.
The box of chocolates has been finished off and our shopping baskets have significantly less alcohol in them than before.
This is the kind of thing we expect to see in January as we welcome in a new year and make a heap load of promises to ourselves that we intend to keep.
The truth is, many of us don't keep them that long.
We start off with the best intentions, then gently slip into old habits as we move into the spring month. Why is this?
Owner of CrossFit Coalville, Craig Smith sheds some light on the situation and said: "The reason so many people fail to meet their new year's resolutions is simple.
"They are massively unrealistic.
"I see a lot of people completely cut out the things they like the most and go completely cold turkey.
"To go from a hedonistic lifestyle over Christmas to the polar opposite is going to be twice as hard as it needs to be.
"Being healthy isn't just something we should strive to do in January with an 'all or nothing' approach but should be something we strive to achieve all year round.
"Realistic goals that we introduce over a longer period of time are more manageable for anyone.
"Don't completely cut out chocolate for example, just don't eat it every day.
"Move forwards in moderation. It's this and consistency that sees the most success. That's why I love the CrossFit approach so much.
"It's very similar. It's not just about handstand press ups and walking on your hands.
"It's about developing your skill set from a very basic level, building a strong foundation of exercises and discipline you can build upon."
Fitness and nutrition are often a huge part of our new year's resolutions.
What 'boxes' like CrossFit Coalville are trying to do is achieve a complete shift in their members' approach to change on a long term basis.
Through slowly introducing small habit changes, it is more likely that you will sustain them for a longer period of time. In turn, this means prolonged change.
Head Coach, Jake Garner, goes on to explain this and said: "We shouldn't be looking for quick fixes. Unfortunately, they don't exist, no matter how hard someone tries to sell one to you.
"The truth is, it's our bodies and mental health we are talking about here. Both of these things should be right at the top of our priority lists.
"I see the most success in our members and my own clients when I see change introduced at a steady rate. It's impossible to fix everything immediately.
"Both myself and Craig have been in this game a while and never seen anybody fix themselves in one go. What we have both seen is huge success in those that try their best to maintain a healthy lifestyle year-round.
"Sure, this means the odd pint, pie and movie night on the sofa, but it's about doing these things in moderation.
"I think it can be unhealthy to be part of the 'January New Me' hype.
"If it gets you off on the right foot, great.
"But, more often than not, it's those that adapt a manageable change in lifestyle that are better off.
"They tend to last from this January to the next.
"This is the attitude we adopt at CrossFit Coalville.
"We help our members with both their fitness and nutrition in a realistic way that sees them achieve their goals."
It seems clear that both Craig and Jake are on the same page.
It seems to be this approach that allows their members to really strive for success in their weekly CrossFit sessions.
Craig added: "When it comes to health and fitness, it's clear it shouldn't be a quick fix, but a process that everyone should undergo for a permanent and manageable change to their lifestyle.
"That's what we should all strive to obtain, a good quality of life."
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