A Talk On The Life And Works Of Charles Booth
The Charles Booth Centre, Thringstone, near Coalville
Community Events
UNTIL Friday 26th July

A talk on the life and works of Charles Booth by Professor Sarah Wise, social historian and author, is taking place at Charles Booth Centre on Friday 26 July starting at 7pm.
This is a free event organised by Friends of Thringstone and a bar will be available.
Charles Booth is well known in our local area for providing Thringstone's community centre, which is the oldest in the country, and for also giving freely of his time and money for the local village and surrounding area, but so many people still don't know the full story.
The talk will seek to explain what the whole country owes to this man, whose work on poverty led to the provision of the Old Age Pension.
Booking can be made through https://buytickets.at/friendsofthringstone/1248560