Village pub near Coalville is given green light to expand restaurant and garden - to cater for double the number of diners

A pub near Coalville has been given the go-ahead to expand its restaurant and garden area - after mix of support and objections from local residents.
The Donington Arms in Donington Le Heath applied in April for an extension and alterations to the existing pub and restaurant to form kitchen to cater for additional dining.
It would mean the pub being able to cater for double the current number of diners, according to North West Leicestershire District Council.
There will also be a new dwelling situated above the pub, and extension to existing garden area and associated car parking alterations.
The scheme drew various comments from neighbours - with the parish council against the plans.
A total of 18 comments were received by the District Council.
Those in support mentioned:
• The pub is a positive addition to the community and should be supported
• The proposals are in keeping with the area
• It will improve the viability of the pub and vitality of the village
• It supports charitable causes
• Provides additional part time jobs for the local area
The objectors raised the following concerns:
• A lack of parking and unsafe access
• Additional noise and disturbance
• Additional odour
• Trees and hedgerows have been removed - harm to wildlife
• Lack of drainage capacity
• Loss of privacy
• Additional lighting will distract drivers
• Flood risk
Hugglescote and Donington Le Heath Parish Council raised concerns on the following grounds:
• Poor parking layout and design
• Reduction in visibility splay
• The external façade could be rendered rather than constructed with facing bricks to blend in with the street scene.
But the district council gave planning permission for the scheme to go ahead.
A council officer's report reads: "The character of the surrounding area is defined by a mix of building styles and ages, although built development within the immediate locality predominantly consists of modest late Victorian terraced properties which are likely to be contemporary with the original part of the public house.
"The site itself is located on a prominent corner and can be seen from the north looking south along Manor Road and on approach to the Green from Richmond Road to the west. Land to the south of an open rural character.
"The proposed extension in respect of its scale would be larger than the existing public house and would feature a gable design to the Manor Road Frontage.
"However, taking into account the varied styles within the area and the spacious surroundings around the proposed extension, it is not considered it would be unduly dominant or harmful to the character of the existing building, the street scene or wider area and would create some enclosure within the street scene where there is currently a large gap. "
In terms of the effect on local residents, the report adds: "The proposal would result in an intensification of use and would more than double the number of covers (diners) that could be within the building at any one time.
"In order to limit noise and disturbance, it is considered that a condition requiring that the external doors remain closed when there are events taking place or broadcast, or music playing is considered necessary.
"In terms of the hours of use, it should be noted that the historic use of the premises is as a public house with no restriction on hours of use via the pl;anning process, therefore it is not considered reasonable to impose such restrictions on the proposed extensions considered as part of this application.
"It is however considered appropriate and neccesary to limit use of the external areas of the premises having regard for and being consistent with conditions imposed on previous applications relating to development within the curtilage - the area of land attached to a house and forming one enclosure with it."
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