Leicestershire Police says 'Stop, Think Fraud' roadshow had good response from the public when it came to Coalville

By Coalville Nub News Reporter

27th Feb 2024 | Local News

The roadshow visited Coalville's Belvoir Shopping Centre earlier this month. Photo: Leicestershire Police
The roadshow visited Coalville's Belvoir Shopping Centre earlier this month. Photo: Leicestershire Police

 A Leicestershire Police roadshow supporting the national Stop, Think Fraud campaign had a 'great response' when it visited Coalville and Ashby earlier this month.

It is aimed at educating people and encouraging them to take a moment to stop and think when they encounter potential fraud – taking a moment to consider and look into it, before thinking about making payments or providing personal details.

The national campaign against fraud is backed by UK Government in partnership with City of London Police, National Cyber Security Centre and National Crime Agency.

Forces across the country are supporting the campaign, and in Leicestershire specialist officers from the Economic Crime Unit (ECU) and Regional Fraud and Cyber Protect unit are bringing the message to the county.

The roadshow began last week in Ashby and Coalville where officers and staff were on hand to raise awareness of fraud and the different types of offences that can impact on people and what you can do to reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

Detective Sergeant Paul Hawkins from the force's ECU, said: "We're pleased to support such a worthwhile campaign.  

"Anyone can fall victim to fraud and it's vitally important to educate and raise awareness of these types of offences.

"The aim of this roadshow is to get the message across to as many people as possible across all age groups.  

"So far, the roadshows have been received well and we have had a great response.

"We would ask people to visit their nearest event and help us to reduce their chances of becoming a victim of such offences."

Becky Spilane is the force's fraud vulnerability officer, and said: "My role involves speaking to victims of fraud and trying to help them so they don't fall prey to such crimes again in the future.  

"Raising awareness of the different types of fraud targeting the community is very important.

"A large volume of victims are unfortunately the elderly and vulnerable and may not necessarily see the warnings we issue online.  

"By going into the community and visiting various locations across the city and county we are making that advice and information more accessible."

The roadshow is now heading for various towns across the county.

For further information about the campaign, click HERE.


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