Coalville CAN's new exhibition is a load of poo - but it also sends out a serious message

By Coalville Nub News Reporter

22nd May 2024 | Local News

Coalville CAN is based in Memorial Square. Photo: Coalville Nub News
Coalville CAN is based in Memorial Square. Photo: Coalville Nub News

Coalville CAN is staging its first ever exhibition dedicated to… poo!

Organisers describe the subject as 'fascinating and essential' - but add there is also a serious message to something everyone does most days.

The exhibition is now open (May 22-June 3) and Coalville CAN promises a unique, educational, and fun experience for all ages.

The Coalville community group, based in Memorial Square, says: "Why is poo important?

"Ever wondered what poo is made of, or what it can tell us about our health? 

"These are just a few of the intriguing questions the exhibition aims to explore. 

"Poo is not just waste; it can provide vital insights into our digestive health and overall well-being."

Visitors to the exhibition can dive into interactive displays and games, including the chance to create your own poo with the help of BOB, The Newbridge School's interactive gut model. 

Sit on the whoopee cushion and share what you call your 'bottom burps', try on the poo hat and catch a poo for a memorable experience.

You can also read amusing and insightful poems about poo, and bring your own to contribute to our po'o'etry book of s**t po'o'ems, which will be released after the exhibition.

Organisers added: "The exhibition also highlights the serious side of poo. 

"For all the kids out there, bring your parents and grandparents and ask if they have done the poo test. 

"This test, offered free to everyone over 60 by mail, can be a lifesaver by detecting early signs of bowel cancer.

"This might seem like a silly exhibition, but it can save lives! 

"If you have survived any form of bowel cancer, we invite you to come and share your story with us. If you know someone that has not been so lucky please come and share their story too. 

"If it gets one person to do the poo test when it comes through the post, it's done its job. Plus, it's lots of fun!

Year 7 student Yule from Newbridge shared his excitement and said: "I had great fun making BOB and I've learned about the gut, how it works, which is usually a Year 9 topic!"

The exhibition is open from Monday-Saturday (except bank holidays), 10am-4pm, and Sunday, 11am-2pm. 

The CAN Team says it is dedicated to raising awareness about health through creative and engaging means. 

This exhibition aims to educate the community about the importance of digestive health in a fun and interactive way.


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