Anti-Social Behaviour Officer- North West Leicestershire
Community & Sport
- To support the Partnership in Safer Communities sub-group/theme group focused on anti-social behaviour, such as the Joint Action Group (JAG).
- To take a proactive approach towards investigating such cases and providing a fully integrated effective resource for the local area.
- To receive casework referrals from the public and referral agencies including the Police and Housing Management regarding anti-social behaviour, nuisance and harassment.
- To liaise with the Police, Solicitors, Social Services, Probation Services, Youth Offending Team and other relevant agencies including resident groups, Neighbourhood Action Teams and other council services in terms of the resolution of harassment and nuisance and to call or attend case conferences when required.
- To be responsible for managing casework in relation to anti-social behaviour where there are cross-cutting implications, including the use of the shared case management tool (training will be provided).
- To recommend improvements and contribute to developments in procedures for dealing with anti-social behaviour and harassment